MGN - Happy Utah Mountain Runners Year End Celebration

Aric Manning - Happy Utah Mountain Runner's Founder with MGN Hosts John & Brandon

Voted the number one trail running club in the world by Trail Runner Magazine, the Happy Utah Mountain Runner's, otherwise known by their acronym HUMRs, put another banner year in the books. From supporting local community events, hours of trail work, and sub 24-hour 100s, to running in Europe and all over the Western United States, HUMRs got around in 2014. We dropped in on their year-end party and captured some of the magic that makes this ultra-running club the best on the planet. 

Full Episode:

Individual Interviews:

Aric Manning - HUMR Founder Jared & Breein Clark - A HUMR Couple Forrest Stuart & Debbie Farka - HUMR Hand Cart Harrison Fluman - What the HUMR? Lane Farka & Pam Stuart - HUMR Helpers Matt Connors - HUMR Sub 24 Curtis Thompson & Joel Hatch - HUMR Organizing & Training